Abundance isn't attracted, but rather MANIFESTEDand relates to energetic balance and harmony in all aspects of life, as well as the give and take of the Universe.
How willing are we to give more of ourselves to achieve what we desire to manifest?
If you ask more of the Universe, the Universe will ask more of you.
Giving and receiving must be in balance.
Optimising the 3rd Eye, Heart and Root Chakras are essential steps to manifesting the life we desire.
The aim is to identify and correct energetic blockages or imbalances in the Informational Field that may hinder the manifestation of abundance in different areas such as relationships, career, and finances.
By balancing these aspects at an energetic level, it helps unlock the potential for abundance and prosperity for the individual, enabling them to achieve their goals and aspirations more effectively and satisfactorily.
Do you want to identify the limiting beliefs and inherited blockages that are keeping you away from the life you desire?
let's go for your session!
Los sistemas TimeWaver y Healy son dispositivos médico de microcorriente que han sido autorizados por la FDA (Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos) para el alivio y manejo sintomático de: