Energy cleansing involves removing blockages and imbalances in the Informational and Energetic Field of a person or space to promote health and well-being.
Feng Shui and Vasati are practices that seek to harmonize the environment and promote the flow of positive energy in inhabited spaces.
Transgenerational therapy focuses on identifying and healing familial patterns and traumas passed down through generations.
Karma refers to the belief in the law of cause and effect, where past actions influence a person's present and future life.
Family constellations are a therapeutic technique that explores family dynamics and seeks to resolve conflicts by identifying and healing dysfunctional relationships among family members.
Geopathies are measurable areas and energy lines of the Earth that contain energetic imbalances which can affect the health and well-being of people who live or work in them.
Electrosmog refers to excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by electronic devices, high-voltage cables, etc., which can cause stress and negatively affect health.
Together, these practices and concepts seek to promote balance,harmony, and well-being within the Information Field in the lives of people and their surroundings.
Los sistemas TimeWaver y Healy son dispositivos médico de microcorriente que han sido autorizados por la FDA (Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos) para el alivio y manejo sintomático de: