If you are a professional athlete or simply enjoy sports recreationally, QBH could help you surpass your limits, prevent injuries, enhance your mental focus, or recover much faster after surgery or injury.
I have more than satisfactory experience working with both professional high-performance athletes and recreational sports enthusiasts.
According to this (non-invasive) technique, improving sports performance involves optimizing the body's bioenergetic balance. To achieve this , imbalances in the body's Information Field that may affect sports performance are identified and corrected.
Through the use of bioenergetic analysis and harmonization technology, the aim is to achieve heightened mental focus and improve endurance, strength, speed, and physical coordination, while also reducing the risk of injuries and accelerating recovery..
By balancing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the athlete within the Information Field, the aim is to support optimal and sustainable sports performance.
Remember that these sessions can be conducted either in-person or remotely, which is very convenient for competition days.
Your name, date of birth and a photograph are enough for TimeWaver Pro to access and harmonize your Information Field.
"Are you ready to take the step and shine at the highest level?"
Los sistemas TimeWaver y Healy son dispositivos médico de microcorriente que han sido autorizados por la FDA (Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos) para el alivio y manejo sintomático de: